Jakob Mähren
Jakob Mähren is the founder and CEO of the MÄHREN AG Group. Born in Berlin, he is a passionate real estate entrepreneur and one of the best known CEO's in the industry.
Business philosophy
Jakob Mähren laid the foundations for a successful career in the real estate industry at a young age with his business acumen, strength of implementation and courage. Today he is CEO of MÄHREN AG, a group of companies with more than 70 employees.
Jakob is guided by traditional entrepreneurial principles. Excellent customer orientation as well as fairness and integrity are the central components of his business philosophy. His work is characterized by a passion for real estate, agility and commitment. He always treats his business partners as equals, and trust and respect are essential for him in his daily work and in his personal dealings within the Group.
Jakob is also regularly involved in public economic issues.
Business philosophy
Jakob Mähren is the founder and CEO of the MÄHREN AG. Born in Berlin, he is a passionate real estate entrepreneur and one of the best-known CEOs in the industry.
Jakob laid the foundation for a successful career in the real estate industry at a young age with his business acumen, strength of implementation and courage. Today he is CEO of the MÄHREN Group with more than 70 employees.
Jakob is guided by traditional entrepreneurial principles. Excellent customer orientation as well as fairness and integrity are the central components of his business philosophy. His work is characterized by a passion for real estate, agility and commitment. He always treats his business partners as equals, and trust and respect are essential for him in his daily work and in his personal dealings within the Group.
Jakob is also regularly involved in public economic issues.
Reliable and goal-oriented action
Jakob is characterized by reliable, strategic and goal-oriented action. A high degree of integrity also prompts him to promote dialog and the exchange of ideas - whether with business partners or employees. His motto: "If you want to move the world, you have to move first". He never stands still. "In my opinion, if you want to be successful in business, you shouldn't dwell too long on theory, but develop business acumen and apply it sensibly." This focused approach and openness to dialog and exchange prompted Deutsche Bank to appoint Jakob to the Advisory Board of Deutsche Bank AG in April 2016. With his expertise, he strengthens the real estate sector.
Reliable and goal-oriented action
Jakob is characterized by reliable, strategic and goal-oriented action. He encourages dialog and the exchange of ideas. His motto: "If you want to move the world, you have to move yourself first. If you want to be successful in business, you shouldn't dwell on theory for long, but develop business acumen and apply it sensibly." His focused approach and openness to dialog prompted Deutsche Bank to appoint Jakob to the Advisory Board of Deutsche Bank AG in April 2016.
„Sales comes from conversion.”
The question of Jakob's formula for success comes up regularly. Business partners, followers, journalists and acquaintances want to know how the entrepreneur has achieved his business success. A formula? A statement: Do it! In Jakob's opinion, the job should be a vocation, should ignite passion - and you should treat business partners and colleagues honestly and respectfully. That is the attitude behind success. And then it's all about one thing: achieving your goals every day and setting new ones. And never lose the fun in the process.
Reliable business partner
Jakob has established himself as a reliable partner on the real estate market through professionalism and continuity. The entrepreneur mainly invests in residential real estate in promising locations - initially in Berlin, then in several locations in Germany, and now also in Austria, Italy and the USA. Jakob has extensive market expertise, comprehensive know-how for strategic investments and a first-class network.
„It's all about the team.”
In more than 20 years, Jakob's business activities have grown into a group of companies with more than 70 employees. During this period of growth, he has always relied on the strength and cohesion of the team. „Without the power of the team and the commitment of each individual, success stories cannot be realized. I have always relied on a strong team and try to encourage every team member and let them share in the success.”
„Without each individual in the MÄHREN AG team, the entire company and I would not be where we are now. At the same time, I am proud to have helped build such a professional team and grateful to be part of it.”
Jakob Mähren
„Without each individual in the MÄHREN AG team, the entire company and I would not be where we are now. At the same time, I am proud to have helped build such a professional team and grateful to be part of it.”
Jakob Mähren
Success factors
Success is always based on various foundations and principles. Factors that every entrepreneur weights differently. For Jakob, there are fundamental prerequisites for success.
Personal contact
Born in Berlin, Jakob is passionate about his work. „Since I started working in the real estate industry, I have known that transparency and information are of the utmost importance. That's why I'm always available to my business partners as a trusted personal contact. Personal contact is my top priority.” His partners appreciate this.
An open exchange at eye level, being accessible, communicating, finding solutions together - these are the factors that have led Jakob to success.
Implementation strength
One of the most important success factors in the business environment is implementation strength. The ability to efficiently put strategic goals into practice. This requires flexibility, clear objectives and pragmatic planning. It is important to delegate individual tasks efficiently and continuously monitor progress to ensure that processes and projects are completed on time and within budget. An essential basis for sustainable growth and success.
Jakob treats business partners and his own team with integrity, transparency and respect. When dealing with business partners, he ensures fair negotiations, honors agreements and cultivates long-term relationships based on mutual trust. Internally, he promotes open communication, creates a motivating working environment and is committed to the professional development of his employees. Through a clear vision and ethical conduct, he strengthens the trust of all stakeholders and thus contributes to the sustainable success of the Group.
Social commitment
Social commitment is a matter close to Jakob's heart. The Jakob Mähren Foundation was established on his initiative in 2015. The foundation supports local social and charitable initiatives for sick and disadvantaged children in the greater Berlin area. Through its own fundraising campaigns and cooperation projects, the Jakob Mähren Foundation has succeeded in supporting charitable projects in the past.
Family, friends, sport and travel
Jakob is a full-time businessman. But in addition to strategic business decisions, financing issues and real estate purchases, he is also a private person with a strong sense of family, friends, sport and travel. Jakob enjoys constantly exchanging ideas, meeting people, taking on sporting challenges and is constantly planning trips to different parts of the world.
Jakob is known for his humanity and his sense of humor. He always sees the person in his counterpart, not the position or origin. He treats everyone as an equal and values honesty and reliability. His personal passion is the mountains. He is an enthusiastic snowboarder and hiker.
„Traveling opens
the horizon.”
„I love traveling and combine this passion with the opportunity to make new business and personal contacts and exchange ideas with other interesting people. This often leads to new business ideas.
Other countries, people from all over the world and different cultures have always piqued my interest and continue to attract me. It's a great way to broaden your horizons. In my view, this is an invaluable and important step in an increasingly globalized world.”